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Top Ten Things Backcountry Skiers Need on a Yurt Trip – From Jans & White Pine Touring

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The best thing about going on a yurt trip is being able to ski some really sick terrain while still having a lot of the comforts of home.  The worst thing is spending a lot of time, energy and money and getting skunked with bad conditions.

While the experts at Jans and White Pine Touring can’t control the snow gods, we can provide helpful tips to make your adventure more comfortable.  Check out the following list of “must haves” for your next yurt trip.  And be sure to get your car washed before heading out.  Sometimes that is just the peace offering that Mother Nature needs to send some blower pow your way.

  1. Sanuks:  These shoes, that aren’t really shoes, are light, comfortable and perfect for kicking it around the yurt.  After a long day jammed in my ski boots I want nothing more than to slip my feet into some cushioned Sanuks, like their Pick Pocket Wrapped Sidewalk Surfers.
  2. Headlamp:  Yes, this may seem obvious, but it really stinks when you’re trying to find the outhouse at 3am in the pitch black.  And don’t forget to make sure that your batteries are fresh.
  3. Socks:  Lots of them:  The first thing I do when I am cold is to switch my socks. I like Merino wool socks because they fit great and are unbelievably durable.  I usually bring two or three extra pairs, just in case.
  4. Puffy Coat: Even if you are going on a spring yurt trip, the temperatures will still dip quite low, so being ready for the cold is a must.  Having an 800 fill puffy, like the Marmot Ama Dablam Down Jacket is great for morning coffee or a midnight bathroom jaunt.
  5. Work Gloves: Most yurts have a wood fired stove and it sucks if you have to use your good GORE-TEX ski gloves to schlep firewood.  Flylow Tough Guy Gloves are insulated, leather work gloves that are perfect for splitting wood, shuttling gear or shoveling out the yurt.
  6. Playing Cards:  While you may have to rack your brain to remember an old card game to play, it is a great way to spend a rest day.  If you can’t remember a game, you can always build a house of cards.
  7. Pillow: It’s the small things that can make a trip exceptional; and sleeping well goes a long way.  If weight/space is not an issue, don’t forget your favorite pillow to help you sleep deep.
  8. Whiskey/Spirits:  A small travel flask filled with your favorite beverage is a lovely way to end the day.
  9. Glop Stopper Wax:  When your whole day depends on how well your skins perform, the last thing you want is for them to get iced up and stop working.  This small bar of Black Diamond Wax can ward off many a swear word and potentially save the trip.
  10. Multi-tool: This tool speaks for itself, whether it is for de-icing a binding, fixing a loose screw or opening up that can of tuna – a multi-tool is required equipment for a yurt trip.

These items came in pretty handy when I spent some time at the Snorkeling Elk Yurt in southern Utah a few weeks ago.  But the info doesn’t stop here.  Visit Jans or White Pine Touring in Park City to learn more tips from our mountain recreation experts or check out the Ski Shop for all the latest gear.

Weston Deutschlander, White Pine Touring Guide & Jans Athlete Team Member

