Alpine Skiing

It’s Finally Here – Opening Day at PCMR!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The day started at 7:45am with a family style breakfast at my friend’s house so we could be on the lifts by 9am.  Pretty early for a bunch of twenty somethings, but opening day in a ski town is something sacred.

While we weren’t as ambitious as those seeking “first chair” bragging rights, we did want to enjoy the snow before the temperatures rose.  The forecast called for a snow/rain mix, but that didn’t deter us.  It had been 7 ½ months since we had last donned our ski gear and we were itching to catch some turns.

Thanks to a significant snowfall the week before and cold morning temps, Park City Mountain Resort delivered very respectable snow conditions while running three lifts.  And, unlike opening days back East, we didn’t have to sidestep rivers and streams during our initial runs of the season.

Even though the snow was wet and heavy towards the end of our ski-fest, the energy of opening day was palpable.  People were smiling, locals were chatting in the lift lines and resort employees were happy to be back to work.  Our sleepy little ski town was beginning to emerge from mud season.

Given the limited number of runs open, the terrain park was, by far, the busiest area on the hill.  One right after another, park rats were doing tricks and making grabs much to the delight of the spectators.  Families could be seen heading up the First Time lift and skiing the bottom of Homerun while a hearty group of newbies were taking ski lessons.

And while the temperature was a bit warm, I was overdressed with insulated pants and a puffy jacket, we pushed through the inevitable rain as long as we could.  Happy to feel the familiar quad burn, the wind in our face and that glorious feeling of sailing downhill with sticks on our feet.  It was a good day to be a skier.

Jillian Ritter, Content Manager of

